To submit a form to City of Lubbock Utilities, please click the appropriate download link, save the file to your computer, and type in your information. Once you have completed the form, simply print it, sign it (if applicable) and submit it by mail, fax, or in-person.
Forms will be accepted in person during regular business hours, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Mon. – Fri.
Add Financially ResponsibleAdd a financially responsible to customer account
Default Customer AgreementLandlord agreement for services to revert on move out.
Project Helping Hand PledgeAuthorization to add a donation to your utility bill each month to help the needy pay their utility bills.
Disclosure of Personal InformationNotice of right to request disclosure of personal information and form to request disclosure
Customer Information Representation ReleaseAffidavit of customer representation and release
Residential Chronic Condition or Critical CareObtain designation of Critical Care or Chronic Condition status
Non-Residential Critical LoadFacilities that, for health and safety reasons, require continuous electric service
Interconnection GuidelinesCustomers seeking to install distributed generation at his/her residence or business
Letter of Credit FormGet a credit reference from City of Lubbock Utilities for another utility provider.
By mail:
City of Lubbock Utilities
P.O. Box 10541
Lubbock, TX 79408-3541
In person:
City of Lubbock Utilities Customer Service Center
1401 Avenue K
Lubbock, TX 79401
By fax: